About Tim Bedore

Over the past 20 years Tim Bedore has spent thousands of hours entertaining audiences, first on the radio and then as a comedian, headlining comedy clubs across the country. One of the few young comics to have combined the disciplines of stand-up comedy and broadcasting, Tim knows the rigors of working within demanding parameters. Tim has kept his hand in the radio business through his radio commentary feature Vague But True, which is heard (since 1997) regularly on public radio's prestigious Marketplace program by over six-million people. Tim has written and recorded over two hundred-fifty installments of Vague But True. Producing these weekly commentaries for the radio keeps Tim's stand-up comedy material fresh and topical. Unlike many comedians whose material is only appropriate for night-clubs, Tim has been able to work very successfully in many different situations, including charity and corporate events as an entertainer and host. Tim Bedore is a stand-up comedian whose unique background has produced a very professional entertainer who knows how to cut across the boundaries of individual attitudes and get an audience to enjoy his way of looking at the world.